Coronation Road, Radcliffe, M26 3RD
0161 723 4538


EYFS Implementation

While the COVID-19 pandemic has changed many things, our curriculum intent continues to apply. The flexibility our curriculum provides, empowers us to make the decisions needed to provide a curriculum that is adaptable and responsive to the potential diverse needs of individual learners and will be vital during our Recovery Phase.

In EYFS we carefully plan each activity to develop a multitude of skills and knowledge-based learning. We have three clearly defined areas within our classroom, ‘the investigation room’, the focus room’, and the outdoor classroom. Each offers different activities which carefully meet the individual needs of the children. Children have high quality teaching and support in all they do. Carpet time is divided up into subject specific foci; phonics, English and Maths. These are taught in small groups, so that we can target learning appropriately. Additional carpet time is given for topic, story time and rhyme.

We follow the Read Write Inc phonic and reading scheme, and the teaching of phonics happens from day 1 in reception class.  Nursery are exposed to the speed sounds from Spring 1, prior to this they learn about the sounds around them. Children who are not learning phonics at the expected rate are given interventions later the same day, as well as one-to-one intervention and group interventions which take place weekly. SEND Speech and language issues are supported by lots of singing and speech and language interventions, such as Wellcomm and Early Talk Boost, take place depending on the need of the child. APDRs are used as needed, in line with the rest of the school. All lessons and activities are differentiated when and where appropriate. Discussions regularly take place with our SEND co-ordinator and Key Stage Lead.


By the time children leave EYFS at Radcliffe Primary School, they will:

  • be beginning to read with confidence, fluency and understanding.
  • have a love of reading and a desire to read for enjoyment;
  • have a solid and growing vocabulary.
  • be confident to try new things
  • have a can do attitude
  • have a good foundation of knowledge on which they will build upon throughout the school.

We will ensure this happens by:

  • Completing a baseline assessment as soon as possible after the child has started the reception year, but at least within six weeks.
  • Assessing phonics daily, weekly and half termly and using this information to support 1:1 phonic intervention and group intervention.
  • Using a reading book which matches the phonic knowledge of the individual child.
  • Giving immediate feedback
  • Giving opportunities to reflect on their learning with a key adult to celebrate success and consider next steps/targets.

Feeding back to parents regularly via ClassDojo and Tapestry

Inviting parents into EYFS weekly to share a love of reading with the children.