Coronation Road, Radcliffe, M26 3RD
0161 723 4538



We aim to make music an enjoyable learning experience and encourage children to participate in a variety of musical activities. We provide opportunities for all children to sing and to listen to and appreciate different styles and genres of music.  Our aim is to foster a love of music and performance through carefully structured lessons which promote success for all.


Through our music curriculum we teach the children the skills of recognising and commenting on pulse, pitch, rhythm, timbre, dynamics and texture in music. We provide opportunities for children to work with others to make music and show how individuals compose and organise music. We also begin to teach them some of the features of musical notation and to develop an understanding of the history of music. In the Early Years Foundation Stage, music contributes to a child’s development in the area of expressive arts and design. Music is often taught and used within other areas of the curriculum, to support and enhance the work done within the topics planned. Teachers have access to Charanga, but are able to select from additional resources if required. Children work is evidence in class floor books and also video recordings of final performances.


Teachers use the knowledge mats, for each unit, making it simple for them to keep a record of progress and achievement. The sticky knowledge is assessed at the end of every unit and teachers input this data onto the iTrack system.

The Reasoning Curriculum Team is responsible for keeping an overview of the standard of children’s work and for the quality of teaching. The work of the curriculum team also involves supporting colleagues, being informed about current developments and providing a strategic lead and direction for the subject in the school.


KNOWLEDGE MATS Autumn Term 2024

Cycle B

Nursery & Reception Autumn Term 1 & 2

KS1 Autumn Term 1 & 2


UKS2 Autumn Term 1 & Autumn Term 2


KNOWLEDGE MATS Summer Term 2025

Cycle B